pgg2tr (c) Andrew Flegg 2000. Released under the ~~~~~~ Artistic Licence. v1.00 (14-Jul-2000) Intro ----- The Pan Galactic-Guide spread up from the alt.galactic-guide newsgroup and contains humorous articles on life, everything and the universe. Full details can be seen at its new homepage: pgg2tr is a Perl script which reads in text files containing one or more articles and outputs a tab separated file suitable for inputting into "tomebind" or TomeRaider 2 for Windows. Usage ----- Piece of cake (assuming pgg2tr is in the PATH, if in the current directory use ./pgg2tr rather than pgg2tr) $ pgg2tr *.NEW > Then use a WINE wrapper for tomebind or use a Windows box and the Win32 version of TomeRaider 2. The script I use for creating TR1 files is: --------8<-------- #!/bin/sh echo Starting tomebind, this may take some time... wine "/mnt/dos/Utils/tomebind.exe $@" -------->8-------- Author & Disclaimer ------------------- pgg2tr is released under the Artistic Licence, see: The author, Andrew Flegg, is not connected with the PGG project except as an impressed reader. pgg2tr may be distributed freely but must include this README with any packaging.